Business Name Availability

This page allows you to search the Business Entities database to determine if a proposed business name is available for use in the State of South Dakota.

To test for different variations on a proposed name, try searching using the Business Information Search.

Please enter the name you would like to register, and click the 'Search' button.

PLEASE NOTE: This search is an EXACT name search only. To check variations of a name, please use the Business Information Search.

Search for Name Availability:

Note: This business name search reflects name availability as of Sunday, March 23, 2025 8:22 AM but this does not guarantee that the name will be available at time of filing, and is subject to further review by the Secretary of State at the time the formation document is processed and filed. It is recommended that you submit this filing as soon as possible to reduce the risk of losing the name selected. In addition, name availability is subject to further review by the Secretary of State at the time the formation document is processed and filed.