Register a DBA - Business Name
- Anyone wishing to register a DBA - Business Name.
- You are required to file a DBA - Business Name registration unless one of the following apply:
- The name of the business plainly shows the true surname of each person interested in the business; or
- The name of the business is on file with the secretary of state in a required business filing.
- Corporations, partnerships, associations, cooperatives, and limited liability companies that are conducting business in South Dakota under any name other than their corporate name are also required to file each fictitious name under which they may conduct business (See SDCL 37-11 and 2-14-2).
- If you are an existing corporation, partnership, association, cooperative or limited liability company, you will need your Secretary of State Business ID.
- All DBA - Business Names must have at least one owner. The owner information required is the owner's name and address, or the Secretary of State Business ID if the owner is an existing business entity.
- Filing Fee - $10
- Credit/Debit Card information. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express debit or credit cards.
- DBA - Business Names must be renewed every 5 years if you continue doing business under that name (See SDCL 37-11).