DBA - Business Name Amendment
- Registered DBA - Business names which are 'Active' can use the amendment process to file a DBA - Business Name Amendment.
- Amendments can be made to indicate changes of address(es) or ownership.
- The name itself CANNOT be changed through an amendment. Instead, you would need to file a NEW DBA-Business Name and file a cancellation of the unused name.
- You are required to file an amendment if the address of the fictitious name or owners(s) information has changed.
- Secretary of State DBA - Business Name ID. If you don't have your DBA - Business Name ID, use the Search option to find it.
- The information for your new address(es) or owner(s).
- We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express credit/debit cards.
- Information provided should be current as of the date the amendment is submitted on behalf of the company (See SDCL 37-11-2).